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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Mastering your DSLR (last) weeks challenge.

Week two we learned all about apertures. It was a very interesting week for me, food poisoning and then trying to play catch up is no fun, but I was able to get in this weeks project on friday. Candice is such a great teacher. The team over at A Beautiful Mess really worked hard on this course. I am throughly enjoying it! This week is all about manual mode, so I hope to work on that and share later in the week. Also, I plan to post some more wedding photos even though it was forever ago now (or just in january) 


  1. Ohh, I know how you feel - I'm so far behind! I was working flat out until Sunday, then spent the next 24 hours traveling and now I'm without internet except when I make it to the local Starbucks - ack! I just came to download all the class info and the website isn't working! Nooooo!

    It's like the world doesn't want me to catch up ;-) but I'll get there, I will!

    - Taryn Elise xx

  2. I know, I haven't even practiced this week and it's already thursday! I hope your traveling trip went well! I traveled from Florida to Portland, Oregon in January and was beat, so I could only imagine. We'll get caught up, just maybe a little later ;)
