We have this sweet little bay window above the sink area in our kitchen that's been begging for something to fill it. In an effort to add more greenery around the house and create something we both would love, we decided to create our own plant box. It was super simple and can be customized to any size or length you needed it to be. We fashioned ours to completely fit the window sill, but it can be tailored any way needed. It's a great way to bring in color and add a little handmade to your home (indoors or out!) and it cost us about five bucks for the wood and the plants cost us about ten bucks so all in all fifteen dollars gives you your very own plant box. All we used were two 1x4" eight foot long planks of wood and some nails. Simple simon.

First we cut the planks to the size we needed for our windowsill. (sides: 28 1/2" x width of the board \\ end pieces: 3 1/2" x width of the board \\ bottom: 27" x width of the board)
and then we cut the dividers (2 3/4" x width of the board). We measured them out according to the size of the plants we were placing in each section, so that will vary. We nailed the ends in first, then the sides and then the middle pieces (when nailing the middle pieces we just did it on the sides and the bottom because we were going for a more rustic handmade look. If you want a sleek look without the nails, you could probably use wood glue, [but don't quote me on that ;)] )
Once everything was all nailed together we drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage. Planting cacti and succulents is probably the safest bet in this box (unless the plants are being set in planters or pots and then placed into the slots) because there won't be an abundance of water and they won't need to be watered as often which means less drainage and sitting water. When placing whichever plant's you choose, be careful when taking them out of whatever they are potted in (especially with cacti). We used gloves so we didn't get pricked and carefully squeezed the side of the plastic pots to loosen the dirt. We also bought some fertilizer soil especially for cacti and put that in with the dirt they were originally potted in. We really enjoy these little lively cacti brightening up our kitchen, and adding a little green around our home... and the fact that they are pretty hard to kill (just incase your thumb isn't so green)
What are some of your favorite DIY planters? I can't wait to add more!
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