If you follow me on instagram you may have seen the origami dresses I made out of West Elm's catalog. I love love love these dresses. They are so adorable and the West Elm catalogs definitely make them a hundred times prettier. You can go check them out and find the how to on West Elm's blog: Front + Main! I'm so incredibly honored and ecstatic (obviously) to be featured on their blog! I also was picked to be their photographer of the month! I had so much fun working with them and styling this shoot (and an excuse to buy tons of flowers). So go check it out, like right now.
Friday, March 27, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Thoughts on being 25.
This past weekend I turned twenty five. 2 and a 5. It seems like such a milestone, and I'm not sure why. I feel excited for this year, for being twenty five, for really getting things in gear; I'm doing, I'm planning, I'm ready. I can't wait to see where this year takes me. I hope it brings us a growing family, new creative ventures, and more exploring adventures. Hi twenty five, I'm already digging you.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
A (late) Valentines photoshoot.
The mug on this kid is priceless. He is a blast to have mini sessions with. He has so much character and is obviously ridiculously adorable. This was a last minute shoot and we were running out of natural light, but these pictures are little gems. So. worth. it. Ps. That bow tie = cutness overload.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Valentines lovebug diy + free printable.
I love valentines day. Not just because it involves chocolate (but hello, it's definitely a plus) but because it's a day to celebrate love. Not that any day can't be a day to celebrate love, but let's be real- ain't nobody got time for that- kidddding. Okay, okay, but I really believe it is important to celebrate love + we should totally do it more often. So these cute bugs are for valentines day or just celebrating love on any random day- andddd bonus! they are super easy to make! You might even have the supplies in your house right. this. second. Bam. You're welcome. ["You've been bit... by the love bug!" printable in supplies list]
Supplies: Candy (I used mint M&M's, milk chocolate M&M's, lemon heads, and skittles) | Target up&up portion control plastic baggies | Embroidery floss | Scrapbook paper | Black craft foam sheet | Scissors | Hot glue gun| Black sharpie | washi tape | YOU'VE BEEN BIT PRINTABLE
First things first, put your candy in your snack bags. The portion control bags are super easy because they are resealable and easy for little hands (or your husband because you know twist-y ties and husbands) but you could really use any plastic like bag. I wanted my bee and ladybug to be a little shorter so I stitched across with some embroidery floss (not a necessary step, just based on preference) and then cut off the excess under my stitching (don't cut first and then stitch because it will be a lot harder). I added lines to my bags with a sharpie just for a little extra detail.
Next I cut out the shapes of my bugs. These three bugs went great for this. I also planned to make a butterfly (hence the skittles) but I didn't really dig it, so I scrapped it. These three cuties made the cut- literally. I cut out the wings, heads, antennas, etc. based on the bag + bug size. You could really do it any way, but this is what worked for me. I just free hand cut the shapes because that's just how I work. I like when it looks more organic and handmade, not perfect and cookie cutter. I mean, there's a time and place for cookie cutter, but I usually like to wing it (craft rebel). When I was gluing them to the bag I used just a dab of hot glue so I didn't melt the plastic. The only thing I didn't glue on were the heads, I used washi tape to stick the heads to the bag so it would make it easier to open.
I made the [You've been bit printable] for some extra fun. I printed the PDF out and cut them based on the size of my bug's head size. Then glue them on! I added some polkadots with my sharpie.

Friday, February 6, 2015
One little word (DO): What I'm going to DO in 2015
Resolutions are good. I've never really made goals for the year, before 2015. I knew it was a thing people did (the majority only for the first few months), but I was never into it because I never felt passionate enough to set goals in stone. But this year, oh this year, I feel motivated. In my last post about the word DO I gave a little more of an in depth reasoning for choosing the word DO and why I am so passionate about getting things done this year. I want this year to change my life. I want this year to really count.
Above is a photo of my (short) list of things I am going to do. This is a base list, but there is a high possibility things will be added.One of the major things, that has many related counterparts, is taking charge of my health. It's something I was always good at, but as the years passed and I got older, left home + lived on my own, had horrible beasts like anxiety creep into my life (which I've learned to conquer: insert muscle emoji here.); things got a little off track. BUT this is the year. No more excuses. I'm taking it slow, but I'm making progress. First thing I did this year was buy a Fitbit Charge HR (more on this later because it seriously deserves it's own post. Spoiler alert: I love it!) and it's just what I needed. Pair it with My Fitness Pal (more on this too) and bam! You're in business. Things like grocery shopping weekly, meal prepping, being active daily, eating out less, etc. etc. go along with this goal.
I've already started purging + organizing. It's not like I have a ton of stuff, our house is tiny, but I just want less. Like less of e v e r y t h i n g. This is happening- like, happening already. I've already started and I feel so energized to really get rid of so much this year. This is like a mini version of a capsule wardrobe, except I'm doing it with everything I own. It's really freeing.
Mastering my camera has been on my list for far to long. And I am so ready to do it. Maybe start a photography business, who knows. I'm working towards dreams this year. Speaking of working towards dreams, I really am going to be (read:try, make it happen, hopefully) more active in this space. Life is crazy, but I am going to carve out some time. And share a lot more photography, which I'm excited about.
I am continuously using the phrase am going to do because like I said, there is no other option this year. I'm not going to "plan" to do it or "want" to do it, I am just going to do it. I know, I'm being very persistent about this whole "live this year by this word" but it is seriously the perfect word to express how I want to start/live/finish off this year. I am going to just DO.
Monday, December 29, 2014
One little word: DO.
Hello 2015. I'm feeling inspired for this upcoming year. I'm dreaming big and my gears are turning. With all these ideas, goals, and changes buzzing around in my head I decided to make a statement. Thanks to Elise Blaha Cripe of the blog: Enjoy it + Ali Edwards of: One little word I was able to put my thoughts into words (err word), into action, into a malleable substance. Now I have something I can work with; something I can mold like clay, weave into my life, pour into my soul. ( I know, brace yourself this is going to get a little deep.)
Thats my word. Just two little letters, yet such a powerful meaning. I miss the act of doing. This past year I was a slacker. In (almost) every part of my life. I slacked in keeping up with this blog, friends, family, eating correctly, organization, etc. etc. etc. the list goes on. I'm not saying that I didn't do/keep up with any of these things at all or that I didn't make some sort of genuine effort. I just slacked. SO with that being said, I plan to DO this year. Everything that I've been wanting to do, I plan to just do. I plan to make things happen. I plan to just do. I plan to just do. I plan to just do.
I'm tired of waiting. I just want to do.
Whether I'm too scared, too lazy, too tired, too un-interested, too ______, to do something; I am going to do it anyways. No excuses, no I'll do it laters, no stalling. Just doing. Within the next week I am going to compile a list of some things that I want to do this upcoming year; little things, big things, random things, not all the things. You know just some things that I (and maybe you) say I'm (you're) always going to do, but never do, yeah those.
One little word is about weaving your chosen word into every part of your life - every part of your being. I need to do that. I want to do that. I am going to do that. I feel passionate, I feel excited, I feel inspired. I am ready to Do. Bring it 2015.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
My ode to summer.
Oh summer, you we're so. hot. Lets be real, it's still hot. I live in south florida, it's totally still summer. Humidity is the real culprit here, such a drag. But summer, I don't hate you that much, I just wish you would just chill already (pun intended). We did take a few trips this summer to some of the places I love the most. St. Augustine + Georgia you have a special piece of my heart. My ode to summer:
Summer I will not miss your hot days where you cooked me to the pavement, smothered me with humidity, and tanned my skin in less then thirty minutes. BUT, I will miss your gifts of sunshine hanging out until late in the day, gloomy rainy days, and time spent with the people I love living life and adventuring with.
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